Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 18:54 No.33567 del
if you have "chronic health issues" then you shouldn't be lying about that or spending time being unmedicated and blaming your own 'problems' onto the SAME PERSON you keep harassing and saying the same shit over and over again. you are just saying this for pity points man, stop trying to get people to feel bad for you. you don't "get" anything.
>i-i'm not being negati-
You literally call me a retard almost every day, how are you not negative.
>other days not so
because, again, you spent all your time going to this board + 4chan for one person, a person you will never even meet. that is unhealthy. for 5 years this is not good
>i can't change it
then get off the computer and it'll "change". go retire at your shed instead of wasting time on a completely anonymous board where you "jokingly" post about children and other sick shit, as well as repeating disorders onto the people you talk to. you have problems because you are spending an unhealthy "lifestyle". there's nothing on here that can change that.
>fuck what the person has to say, i can claim it's an illusion, but it's actually the cold hard truth, i AM being unhealthy harassing someone who ISN'T mexican!
See? Projections, negativity among more stuff are literally why you're the way you are.
Your'e not a group silly. I do not have interactions with "minors".
>not surprising, but reinforces that these are-
Your mom that I keep doing, yes.
And sorry, what conversation? Stalker.

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