Anonymous 07/03/2024 (Wed) 21:07 No.33737 del
I do think.
I've never even intended on sending them here, I just linked it as a joke. But I thought she was a smartass to find something easily, considering the results the word Macker has.
Not really.
I'm not a creep nor degen just for acting cool.
I took down your catalog because it was low effort and shite. It's not even worth keeping up as I told you many times before.
They did not "quit contact" they just know they're not chronically online like you are. Just look at the inane shit you say on the board.
And byte / thyla already left. The former fucked off as they should.
What consequences
Who's we? You dont have any friends
Stop checking people's accounts.
I'm not "Kony". You don't expose "deeds" or anything.

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