#fpFOBh 07/09/2024 (Tue) 22:12 No.34257 del
you're the tard here lole
Who. He hasn't been outed. at all. You guys are just being weird jerks.
You act like you have remote access to something that ISN'T the situation you are speculating by your own selves.
Grow up and get a fucking life on the fields.
He was always in control, but now you killed him.
>tis why he goes ape-
No, he doesn't and he never will.
Talking long walls of text wasn't anybody going crazy.
>trolling him
You made fun of his Megan persona in disgusting ways
You steal his art and making disgusting scat art of it
You mock his art in general
And you do the same for some others
And you keep going online to do the same unhealthy thing 24/7

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