Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 08:53 No.34946 del
>Maybe if you had kept up with the news often you wouldn't be calling him fake now, would you?
I don't consider whatever is going on in your head to be news, no.
>No, they aren't prey at all
Just play things to corrupt.
>you literally fucking created baaa2 since 4 fucking years now
How do you not remember Saggot?
>People were laughing because they'd rather force me into servers I don't like.
How do you get forced online to join things you don't like, unless pdd.
>This is exactly what I mean when you have a problem. You don't browse a lot of Youtube
Why are you bringing up youtube? It's not my fault you spew out whatever pops into your head at me.
>I don't desire to be some stranger's favorite anyway.
Trust, you're not even Carmen's fav son.
>Closing the tab would only make them want more from me. They want to violate privacy
Then don't reopen the tab, idiot.
>Then why aren't there any family voices?
Because when you autirage, they stay clear of you on fears you'll take it out on them. Joshie don't want his door broken down and his room stolen like Carmen endured.