Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 08:54 No.34947 del
serioiusly you're WASTING. YOUR. BREATH. on a """"20 year old"""" you never met or liked about, additionally you're being too clingy and obsessive by being an insistent little cunt over stupid facts that aren't the 20 year old's intentions. no, the only intentions i even have are designing stuff without anyone involved. i do literally nothing but watch movies and enjoy life without doing dangerous shit like threaten the government or president. i do not do whatever you're yapping about at all, zero percent of it, zilch, negative, nada.
now, i am going to ask you once again to please leave. i am doing zero percent of anything wrong and dont need much more shame over something i didnt even intentionally fucking cause at all. i didnt make anybody do anything of their desires. what more do you want from someone who already can't work on their project because of you. fuck off.