Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 12:50 No.37424 del
>It is kind of amusing that he waited until he was the age where he can be properly prosecuted before he started hitting on kids or harassing them.
Spent all that time, pretending to be an adult on chans, only to finally turn of age and start pretending he's not. In a defense of it was all a joke.
>look at how badly Google+ failed when they tried to force a "real names" policy
Exactly, I always used stupid names and inside jokes as info on random sites to crack ourselves up, or talk shit about other online players lack of creativity when learning to socialize appropriately among peers at school. While not realizing we were worse.
>Jordan put all this information out there with seemingly no motive.
He had no pressure to stay in touch with anyone in his classes for anything online related, thus didn't need to do so. Unless, he's a lil school girl looking to meet new friends online, like he pretends to be to his victims that seem to have stopped popping in to defend him.