Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 22:52 No.37573 del
it means adult attracted minor.
a non-pedo person would actually know this, cunt. if you done your research more instead of asking like a newfag i wouldnt have to spoonfeed you
>Does yours?
It does.
>what does it e-
its a fucking animation company not a nursery healthcare thing you dunce. how have you forgotten the purpose of a ANIMATION ART STUDIO.
bro has never heard of distribution rights lol
a group of people can still do a process companies ONLINE easily without retarded attorneys in the bottom of america
i have never talked about retard foxes.
i have not played pretend. i actually take the time to draw the concept and figure out the art style before i decide how it's done. you'e just too jealous and blind to see it
nobody has a mind of the toddler because a toddler doesnt think about getting raped. fuck you.
i did not say a legal requitement lol. it IS legal because no fucking law says you CAN'T have an online company, or abides to your words. i mean its not impersonating any legal entity, is it?
its a meme you dork. i dont mean literally cry. get with the times

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