Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:54 No.37864 del
>ahem buddy i have mor than one fetish
How does that change what I highlighted?
> i keep it private these days
As you should have in the first place. What kind of creepy degenerate is so obsessed with their desires that they feel the need to tell strangers on the internet about them?
>Baraag isn't a pedo site
The rest of the Fediverse has them blocked because they are a pedo site. The only people who federate with them are other pedo sites.
>That's not a good look
To pedos. I'm happy with upsetting the pedo community, feel free to let them know about me if you like. I'm sure you'll be chatting with the rest of your ring again soon.
>No, I don't.
I'm not interested in your distorted perception of reality, I will continue to state this fact. You do.
>Nigga I'm not the one that made teens horny. Stop blaming me for the epitome of this. Been horny since 15 and don't regret it still.
"The minors wanted it."
Bold assertion, doesn't make you any less pedo. A big part of grooming is convincing the children that they like it as much as the adult.
>Good, I'm not into literal human children anyway.
>I'm into toilets for DIFFERENT REASONS, which means, again, looking at them sexually. Not irl, though.

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