Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 06:04 No.38070 del
You don't know the reality of how things are translated, even if Google translate was one of them. That's SAD.
>durr proje-
No, it's not projection. You actually can't translate English into fucking English. Doing it jokingly isn't any better.
>again, this is-
But you are a distraction, and you can't pay attention to clear words. That's why you'll never find anyone in life, oh wait they don't need you. You'll bumble to them about your shitty online presence and drink to death.
Not exactly. I've always paid attention, I just didn't get a site blocker til now, idiot.
>O-o-ooops.. y-y-you-
You really, REALLY, need counseling for this behavior you're having.
Oh but it has been, its just not on BAAA 2 of ALL fucking PLACES. You dont LIKE my art, you HATE my art anyway.
Didn't say you deserve validation.
>why would i-
Cafre about someone who's been wrongfully bullied and never actually jerked off to a real minor or licked POOP? Talk in America english dude, this isn't fucking Britain.

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