Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 11:42 No.38079 del
Some Japanese businessmen have such an issue dealing with the reality of life that they pay prostitutes to treat them like babies. No shock that retard boy likes diapers, it goes with his entire perspective on how life should be lived. Even the responsibility of toilet training is a challenge.
You handle tax in the winter? Ours is April. As for voting, you can pick the rich asshole who wants to take your money or the rich asshole who wants to take your money. The uniparty is fun isn't it?
Getting Jordan to do your taxes is a bold move, he can't count. In fact...
1. Can't do the job he is being hired for.
2. Is brown.
3. Is retarded.
4. Is a gay and a groomer.
Are you trying to raise your DEI score or something? He sounds like the perfect candidate.