Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 17:11 No.38389 del
>But you are a distraction, and you can't pay attention to clear words.
<stare into my eyes, and they stare back Geordie. You won't like what you see the whites of my eyes relfect.
Pic rel.
>That's why you'll never find anyone in life, oh wait they don't need you.
Obv this means I have spare income to indulge my vices, after bills, food and rent. Not a good look if I can survive and you can't, thrive without even looking at a job. Let alone a store.
>You'll bumble to them about your shitty online presence
First unspoken rule is you never go telling people your online hangouts, let alone social media if you, have people in life, same way I don't tell the internet people irl about places online they don't care about. It's boring my online presence is different from work, family, irl friends, and whatever dumb songs catch my attention. No one wa to be the retard that won't shut the fuck up about one topic.