Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 09:54 No.38511 del
> True, mines got maybe 3 years left. And it's fucking crazy how it went from mascots you kept outside to considered beloved companions. To paying medical bills for them.
The circle of life...
> Besides the tortoise. my red ears will notice winter soon. And it'll become another hibernation soon. Tortoise already found her spot. So no more terrorizing fights between those clans.
I heard they're aggressive little bastards, but is there much harm they can do to each other?
> I hate the holidays that come with this season, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the new year fireworks. Etc. But I can always indulge in cold weather.
They're mostly there to distract you from that weather, so I guess it makes sense that you don't like them if you do like that.
>Only thing I'm concerned about are my trees.
How so? Hurricaines and that kind of thing?
>I was never famous
That's what I said.
>nor a groomer
Except for all those minors you groomed (and are probably still grooming since you're still in contact with them).
>If they aren't fun then why are you doing it?
Perfection. Jordan genuinely doesn't understand the concept of responsibility, a 5 year old's life for a 5 year old's mind.

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