Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 09:40 No.38620 del
>Am I not allowed to ask a question?
Not when it's a request for the same information you've had again and again. No wonder you like Klim, his memetic format must be very soothing for your 5 year old's mind.
>No, no, nope, negative, again no, and wrong.
All confirmed. Like I said before, you really need to be a lot more selective with your lies if you hope anyone will believe any of them. At the very least you should consider fabricating evidence to cancel out the actual evidence of each of these things. Just saying "no wrong" like an angry toddler does nothing here. It might work on your child bride Cooper, but it doesn't carry water on sites for adults.
>No, I did not ask for a grown ass man to profit
The irony is that if what you had was a real company instead of play-pretend, then you'd be able to stop him. Also that the "grown ass man" who would be profiting from it would be you.
>AND STOP linking that shitty awful thread please. it's CLEARLY SATIRE and not serious
Are you saying that what you said wasn't genuine?