Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 00:35 No.38662 del
>and you hate children.
Tbf I don't like the idea of constantly being awake to ensure safety for little gremlins, same way I don't like adopting puppies or kittens for constant scratches and bites. As a reward for discipline. Nvm food and shelter, they age and take advantage of your behavioral attitude toward knowing you won't beat the shit out of them. Same as Hector couldn't do it to you, but dealt it with Carmen.
>You hate them that you constantly bring up REAL ones
Did you honest enjoy being held back in school? Did those little tards look up to you, or vise versa? I fucking hated my school years, so ditching classes and wandering mountain areas til class got out was no thing. During suspensions. I didn't need someone holding my hand.
>OR, rather unfortunate bad luck adults.
I've no idea what you're with on this one, you better not be talking witchcraft, I know Carmen believes in LA lorrana, but I don't have to fear her you do.