Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 10:52 No.38702 del
>durrr, i dont know school. i dont know sped classes durrr
My god, you're SO fucking retarded you don't even know any type of school facility? Wow, congratulations on being more dumber than my past self.
>you: *accuse falsely*
>me: *doing nothing but writing words about MERE fictional characters and interacting with people over 18 or 21 lol*
Did you ever look in the mirror and see a liar in that? Do you really think your FUCKIng fragile *stereotypical* ego is going to get you through in life?
Portraying me as a non existent "woman beater" and a previous chronological age is disgusting. First off, I had not even remotely intended to, nor even tried, to beat a girl. Second, I don't even want to think about others being rebels. Third, it makes me feel bad for the planet to hear of anyone attacking their own mother, much less a woman.
Fourth, it doesnt mean I've done it though, did I? And EVEN if she got beat up, it wasn't because of "haha i hate her".... no. I don't even hate gender.