Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 11:06 No.38704 del
bro did you forget he harassed me when i was 16?... jesus fuck, you're more retarded than klim.
what's "ppe"?
you mean SBE? Because Star Bunny is still in business/operations, it's just dormant and mainly used for logo remakes. Maybe if you werent so fucking dumb you'd know this. Guess starruko isn't ingrained to your head
But that's a different comapny, that "company" doesn't do animation or digital web drawings. Whereas LTN - now as ATC - *is* doing that. And their full name actually means something (Lolerson TV Network), and existed before "ltn global" was a thing anyway. Retard. At least 8 years it has launched (because i was 12 when this happened.)

So, again, it's already registered.
I prohibit that kind of stuff though. My stuff isn't meant for outsiders or outcasts like you. It's only meant for me, my niches, my mutuals, and personal friends. No merch, no allow.
Again, a child's mind, "lifestyle", "bunch of romantic interests" is not my mind???? No I watch adult animation just fine, I just don't need to watch shit like Hazbin every day, or Shitty Brainrot Circus (i'm making a better/tame version of it), or even worse play games like FNF.
And I do not watch "children's animation". I just watch animation. Made for web, or TV, it doesnt matter.
Well I'm still not brown, plus judging race is another factor in your flaws; why keep doing it? Are you perhaps racist to even one of the whitest/light orange skin people?
You're right, I have no attraction to minors. Cartoons are NOT minors. :) Way to go, old man! :)

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