Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 11:28 No.38706 del
Seriously, how can you call *me* retarded if you don't understand the points i make.. this 'bullying' shit is unhealthy, the amount of unwanted memes/stolen arts, the amount of reposting the same thing (sometimes even a year ago), the name calling, all of that spam is unhealthy. It cannot be done in moderation, it is unacceptable.

You need to think about other things besides one indie artist queer. Reposting the said things I described isn't going to reduce your little problem either. I am not your boy, I am not "stupid", and I am most definitely NOT a fucking 'phile. I don't even fucking draw porn, nor harass people, nor am I racist, nor am I anything inappropriate that I'm almost exclusively called on any website or board.

It's time to grow a fucking pair and leave me alone. I wqas already vulnerable to this then, and I'm not going to back down to freeloaders on their asses claiming they "work". Saying someone is a "pedo" for drawing ficto porn art; or doing something they did NOT CAUSE TO HAPPEN is not work, nor a real job. If you wanted money so bad you could spend it on making foods that are not le slop schnozzle garbage, or help direct a film, anything that isn't spending 20 minutes or more for an imageboard witchhunt over a guy who was only curious over 4chan years ago as a kid. They had never meant to ruin their life in any way like this

To think my reply is a joke is fucking awful. Follow your own advice and suck it.