Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 11:39 No.38707 del
>You were talking to someone else
Your point being?
>It's either you hate children or you don't.
That's an amazingly binary choice for someone so into that queer shit. Are you saying there's only two genders too? Is there only gay or straight? No other options. Feelings for children are also a sliding scale:
Hate - Dislike - No feelings either way - Like - Love
I am at 2, you are at 5.
People generally find adult men who dislike children less disgusting than adult men who like them so much they sexually roleplay with them on the internet, go ask around and see which of us is the "disgusting" one.
>I'm not a nuance
Hillarious, not even a passing understanding.
>I know exactly how you're not worth forgiving.
Handing out forgiveness like a priest now, are you? Reverend Rivera has a ring to it and it goes with your love of young boys.
>It's only necrophilia if what, you SEE me as that
So you were wrong before when you were calling others that?
>Plus you are kind of annoying and insufferable
Retarded people do find me frustrating, yes.

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