Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 13:00 No.38758 del
>I have to do so for their well-being those assholes are going to outlive me after all
Yeah, good point. Respect your elders or something.
>I have the best neighbors currently tbh, we can borrow our tools, pick up each other's mail when on vacations, etc. So I toss all the nursery trees to my neighbor, and he does his magic. When I decide I want one tree back he does so. Meaning even without me asking he takes his lawn mower to my yard and knows the apple tree is for all
That does sound remarkably sociable, at least you'll all do well in an apocalypse.
>orange and lemon, during winter.
That is weird. Was there a mistake in the inital planting or something?
>Apple, guava, and the rest did their job. I got peach growing everywhere even.
Ah, all good then!
>My only problem is branches snapping under the stress of weight when it's not ripe yet on those trees. And a dying avocado tree.
Is it a disease issue? There's a lot if that over here.
>Fucking phone posting..
I sometimes consider composing replies in a notepad file. One too many accidental fuckups where I refreshed the webpage and cleared the lot.
>I know which img you're talking about, but I can't find it
Don't think it's been posted since Jordan spazzed out that one time. I know Klim's posted it on 4chan at least once, but good luck narrowing down which of his million posts it was in!