Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 01:19 No.38770 del
1. Never done that. And "talking" to "yourself" reduces stress and worry, idiot. It isnt a sign of anything.
2. Not really. The "rest of the planet' isn't as chronically humpbacked like you are.
3. I don't favorite art of "minors". Fiction is what I favorite not real people or identifed minors.
4. Not low effort, it's the truth. I do not talk to them, and hacking into any of my accounts won't change that :) You will never know my discord account.
5. That isn't truth, idiot. You should not compare adults to children; because what 5 year old fucking designs something with effort and time? Hmmm? I can make a fucking retro typeface under a few minutes and it does NOT come out looking like a child did it. Now stop this comparison nonsense, it's uncomfortable.
6. If I said I lied about licking shit, you're just going to not believe me. Plus you shouldnt be dwelling in those pasts :3 It's unhealthy. And learn to read the word "stop", it'll help you on the short run.
7. But aren't I already 'older' than you?
8. I'm not even mirror, really. Never have I made art of a literal child, animal, or even their deceased mother/father, and I do not draw for people into that.
I'm still right on that, I have not posted them willingly. I was a 17 year old. I was FORCED, my HEART being uncontrollably beating.. and I felt a lot of stress. Because it was that time I knew that vulnerability was a thing. I was vulnerable to a fucking man, and I was 17 at the time. I was GROOMED. I didn't START to groom, at all.
I'm right on the other things, and lolcow doesnt apply to someone that doesnt fit the levels of chris or other people, and i have started to draw much more than one dimensional people. I'm not a fan of screaming.
I've already started producing and archiving online, it can be a job and that's fucking final. Digital media exists in different ways, and its better to do it without joining corporation crap. Fuck off if you can't take a hint already.
>t-there's been.. umm, t-there's bee evi-
you're repeating yourself too much. what if it's fake evidence? hmmm? what would you say then? no one fucking cares about a man and their indie career online, and i detest popularity/publicity levels anyways lol.
even addressing something would be what, more worse than just telling you off dad.
I have not done "babysitting", moron. I do NOT like boss or coope :) I dont KNOW who they are. Stop thinking I'm a white R Kelly / Diddy please :)
I've aced it already. Get off the computer dude. Block this website. Be done already

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