Anonymous 08/16/2020 (Sun) 01:14:31 No.13888 del
>btw, can any patreon-bro share the names of some of the biggest simps in patreon comments? asking for a friend haha
here's a list sorted by number of comments. data from july 31st. in total there were 922 comments made by 98 different users
>101 Bonnie Bonkers
> 98 Jeff Nathanon
> 73 Hellboy99
> 64 Fifer
> 62 Dax_Art
> 39 Greg Russell
> 34 schwem203
> 31 Dreamer
> 28 McStabbypants
> 18 Veil Tricks
> 16 Kri von Bli
> 15 Ash2741
> 14 DesertH2O
> 14 Artgar62

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