Anonymous 08/21/2020 (Fri) 11:10:59 No.14092 del
Those who believe her recent posts are too high on happy pills.
We Happy Few.
She's already a convicted liar - a repeated offender in fact.
And unless you did a bad job of just not naming the nonce in the QnA, then perhaps you guys are the retards.
Her responses make no sense.
She plays victim all day.
And the few in here who validate that fantasy make it her reality.

'I'm a minor'
Which is it bonbi? You said you've reached the AoC already. You still aclaim to being a minor as a defence?

'I have a lot of mental illness'

'People are slut shaming me'
You completely miss the point. iss juss a costume btwwwwww!!1!! PeOPlE ARe FrEE tO Do WhAT ThEY WanT!!11!!