Anonymous 10/31/2021 (Sun) 17:42:52 No.27914 del
Yeah, at her fattest, she was fat. And a laughing stock. And made us the laughing stock of the internet. We're past that now, thank God. Whatever happened, happened. Let's leave it in the past, and never go back. Let's not even think about it.

Buen trabajo Unko5_, it happened to me once too. It's a pretty good feeling.

Fuck dude, I hope someone said Meulin. Also, RIP Roxy.

What the fuck, Bonbi. Homestuck DOES have a great storyline.
Whatever, I'm just glad to have new Aradia. This is quality Aradia. Thank you.

Wouldn't it just be easier to just clean your room, Bonbi? You don't even actually have to clean it, just push it off to the side so it's not visible by the camera. You could even push the mess into your hallway or your bathroom.


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