Anonymous 02/10/2022 (Thu) 03:21:30 No.29021 del
(5.85 MB 1280x720 drunk.mp4)
(7.89 MB 1280x720 boyfriend list.mp4)
(3.31 MB 1280x720 shirt rip.mp4)
(7.38 MB 1280x720 crush.mp4)
has lots of friends
bonbi tiktok ads were targeted at the 35-50yo age demographic
tiktok is not allowing bonbi to bost the 3rd [(it was really good)2 hours later in the stream it posted]
wanted to do true damage akali, but got shy
does not play genshin impact. gave up because her friends were so far ahead of her.
blames poor valorant performance on mayo smelling feet hypnotizing her
contacts give bonbi a headache
does not need glasses, has perfect vision.
is british
mr giraffe is missing
fakes enthusiasms for her streams
doesn't own a vr headset. says vr makes her sick.
hardly ever redoes cosplays. decides which cosplays to redo on how many views they get.
wont do long tiktoks because they do poorly in the algorithm, although she enjoys making them.
wouldn't keep her vods up even if they don't have copyrighted music because she hates herself
doesn't like tea or soda. thinks soda is for losers
favorite drink is WATER and mayo

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