Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 14:38:56 No.29976 del
Bonbi Stream 14th May 2022
Cosplayed as Keith Kogane (Voltron)

- Turned down for Twitch Partner again
-Wont say ARA ARA for free
-Only time she trick or treated was as Ghost Deku. Too old so she ducked down to look young
-Bon is really tall
-She is going to redo her room
-Wants to play a game with chat but doesnt know a suitable (safe) one
-One guy on Patreon paid $800 to insult her
-Might stream tomorrow (Sunday) or Monday and Birthday (Tuesday)
-Friends sent her Tiktok ads when they were showing her.
-If you ever get famous dont Google yourself. She found 4chan and other weird forums.
-When her Roxy ad was shown Forums discussed ways to kill her and discussed parts of her body in detail
-Has been stalked IRL but can't talk about it
-Going to Copsplay Jeff the Skeleton
-Bon read Jeff the Skeleton Creepy Pasta

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