Anonymous 09/26/2022 (Mon) 10:37 No.32138 del
It is a rediculous thing to say tho.

This is correct. And was in 2020.
>there was a gap in posts between 4-3 and 4-29. And bonbi gained weight during this period.
And she gained more weight after.

She has actually been losing weight since she has been streaming. And a good amount too
So between late 2021 and now.
You can see it in the streams and she has been talking about it too.
She said she was finally feeling thin enough 'to do a certain cosplay' before she did the swimsuit ahri cosplay.
And that she has said she is on a diet and 'cannot eat comfort foods anymore'. Seeming to imply it was on doctors orders.

Plus in the same sentence shes called obese:
>2022: bonbi gains a big enough following on twitch to warrant her quitting her job.

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