Old Character 09/28/2022 (Wed) 14:01 No.32243 del
Ignore the other guy.

- - - PART 2 - ROUND TWO - - -
By this point I had seen more of her vids and was more fascinated with her "world".
Also, like many other fans of hers, I didn't know her in real life.
I felt that there was something special about her character.
I wasn't interested in dating anyone at this point, but I liked talking to her a lot.
I felt like I was getting to know a friend. I think that was the effect she was actually intending on having.
Her personality really impressed me.

When she started posting more I felt like I was reading something from a different writer.
I began to think the same thing about her.
A lot of things in the videos made me think "wait, this is bonbi?"
I was shocked how many of her videos featured a lot of sex, she was so open about it.
Even then, her fans were just as into it.

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