Anonymous 09/30/2022 (Fri) 08:36 No.32360 del
>so between new years and february something happened it seems.
I remember Bonbi talking about new years and Emiru talking about it, but not wether or not they actually went anywhere.
This could be it though. It pushes the timeline forward. The closer to february the more likely.

>so the friendship was not strained at that point
Yes, I would argue it was not strained until around april/may. That was the last time they made a duette.

There seems to me to be good circumstantial evidence that they got into the fight that led to the drama at AX or shortly after AX.

AX is the last time they were seen together publicly:

After AX Bonbi got angry and sad and weird on stream. The whole 'Pooping my pants' stream was probably directed towards Emiru and or Philly

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