Anonymous 09/30/2022 (Fri) 10:26 No.32364 del
Your trolling in the last paragraph right?

Bonbi does not announce an OF. Someone asks her about it, and she says maybe, then appears to not even know what is it, because she thinks she has to fuck men, which she in very certain terms says she does not want to do.
Then she ends the topic by saying she likes the patreon.

The college thing. Low effort post with no evidence.
the patreon lewds started and endured while they were still friendly. Some of the first even at Emirus house.

As for the overreaction.
Its possible it wasnt as bad as bonbi implies.
Its equally possible her old friends were gaslighting her to shut her up and not make trouble.
Emiru doesn't dispute bonbis claim publicly. You could argue she cant really for optics reasons, but still.

It seems more likely to me that a girl that has a history of abuse and being manipulated has it happen to her again.
Then that Emiru is a prude, nothing realy bad happened to Bonbi, but she used this for clout or advertisement for an OF she doesnt have or need (shes already making 5k with patreon, she can always go fully nude on patreon in the future, before she needs to start an OF)

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