Anonymous 10/15/2022 (Sat) 16:26 No.33340 del
(324.39 KB 512x512 Bondude.png)
Bonbi is not gay, he just supports the movement.
his military brother is gay.
So is emiru's brother (empathy is also around here, isn't it?).
The other gay girls don't take bonbi as their partner
because they know she is not gay, she just wants to
experience the experience and takes it as a game,
like it is fashionable for her to be gay.
She would be the man of the couple (it's her dream, she wants to experience that!).
Bonbi would never have a gay couple, they wouldn't last long.
It would start with "love" but would quickly end with envy.
Bonbi is simply an unbearable beauty.