Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 07:06 No.33589 del
There are some pics from bonbis time in LA around AX.
Later, after another trip to LA later Atlaseuu leaked part of a dm with Bonbi as an instastory. (It was pretty cringe, I think bonbi was 'flirting')

Lynienicole and Atlaseuu appear to be roommates.
Atlaseuu is a friend of August the Riot dev.
Lynienicole too maybe, less clear.
Bonbi is also a friend of August.
She stayed with August for AX.

We dont know if they are hanging out now.

Ive been looking at their insta stories.
Lynie seems pretty chill. Likes the same games as Bonbi. Uses the platform she has to further the cause of left wing politics.
Atlaseuu is a people person and goes on all kinda little adventures.
She could do far worse as friends go.

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