Anonymous 11/26/2022 (Sat) 00:08 No.34930 del
Really missable stream. this stream. Subdued, missable and generally not interesting.

Cosplayed as Cop Judy Hopps?

22:59 - Not having teeth removed untl next year
23:00 - Bon made Mac and Cheese for her family
23:04 - Reposted Tiktok because she noticed a nip-slip
23:07 - Bon has nothing clean to wear
23:09 - Wants to publish porn but doesnt think its allowed on Patreon
23:20 - Likes doing lewds. Lots of talk about Tiktoks and mature content
23:36 - Been playing LoL support and loves it
23:46 - Silver in League (she thinks) but doesnt pay attention
23:52 - Might go back to AX in 2023
23:53 - Julie asked for Bon to be invited to Riot booth at AX
23:55 - Has a really bad wedgie
00:00 - Mr Beast Chocolate
00:01 - Dreamt she went to Walmart with her family, her mom bought a baby and she became a mom. The baby fell of the bed and Bon died.

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