Anonymous 12/15/2022 (Thu) 06:57 No.35454 del
Is trying to make yourself appear attractive by giving somebody money grooming?
It is very clear this parasocial interaction is unhealthy and he is trying to slide into her DMs by showering her with money though. This happens often on twitch or e-girl discords. It's not much different from driving around with a sportscar and wearing expensive clothes just to seem attractive, giving gifts to people you want to get close to.

>23:18 Being playing LoL but its expensive
How the fuck is a free to play game "expensive"?
If it has pay to win, don't play that worthless, generic dota clone.

>She is just turning into vulgar trailer trash.
You must be incredibly new or naive.
I think she always had like near-zero filter.
And her discord logs suggest she thinks these things are funny to talk about.


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