Anonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 21:51 No.36443 del
2023.01.20 - phone streaming
Cosplayed as OOC
Streaming from phone. Frequent drop outs at start
Stream Started 21:00
21:02 PC camera is broken and she is too lazy to set up her laptop so streaming from phone
21:03 Was meant to cosplay Kaisa but cosplay was wrong
21:03 - 21:15 Opening blind boxes - Venti first
21:03 Matchuchu simped $200? (possibly display glitch)
21:05 She bought some porcelain dolls but they broke
21:11 She has another camera of the same kind so no camera upgrade
21:12 Reverse snatch
21:15 Her Muelin wig got so tangled she tried to order a new one but they were no longer available
21:18 Big changes coming, doesn't want to say too much [my guess, moving to LA]
21:23 Bon got Covid 6 months after its 'release'. She has not had Omicron.
21:25 Pepper plushie
21:26 Got a free calendar of her cat
21:27 Julie joins, stream crashes

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