Anonymous 02/19/2023 (Sun) 20:30 No.37327 del
today the piggy was cosplaying as a large pink piggy in a piggy suit. the suit was fabulous and full up to the piglet's neck and featured a complete hood with the head snout of a pink piggy coop. it even featured a zipper between the legs for emergency pooping.
everything was going great and the piggy did several tiktoks and videos of herself dancing around and oinking when uh-oh! halfway through her fourth video a rumble started in her stomach,
that turned quickly into a tidal wave of fast moving poop. there was no where to run; the poop was making its way too fast through the piggy's lower guts. only one thing for the piggy to do, so she unzipped the emergency zipper between her legs and bent down and squatted where she stood in the middle of her bedroom, and out of her anus hole from her butt dropped a load of brown poop.
pppppttttttt-phphpshshshshsh, the brown poop curl came out of her anus 11 inches long and plopped onto the floor beneath the bent over piggy in a pink piggy suit. the piggy looked at the poop; it was shiny all over and had a light brown color to it. it folded over itself as it came out of the piggy's butt hole and formed a formal brown folded pile as it sat on the floor. the piggy stuck her face up to the pile and smelled it. it had a noxious smell: but at the same time sweet and sour. the piggy broke off a part of it and put it in her mouth. taste tests on her own poop pile are a piggy ritual: and the piggy rolled the inch long piece of brown poop around in her mouth for a bit.
and then the piglet still in a squat started to piss. a piss puddle formed beneath the pink costumed piggy.