Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 02:51 No.44903 del
>Sorry that your argument has descended to telling me that my childhood memories are wrong and that you, a person I have never met, will tell me what actually happened and explain how that version of events confirms you are correct.
I don't know what your childhood memories are you feckless simp, but what I can do is examine the conversation we've had so far...

In >>44897 I said:
>Your parents probably spent time training the pets to not be as gross as they are naturally, i.e., to pee and poop outside.
Then, in >>44898 you replied:
>Your reading of the current situation and guesswork about my childhood pet training is entirely wrong.

So your parents didn't train the animals? Is that where I'm wrong, and they did in fact let them piss and shit in the house?
