Anonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 22:26 No.45064 del
(237.26 KB 320x240 EiLi.gif)
>why it seems so remarkable to you?
because you don't get it, I'm not saying a random bonbi chatter is posting on here, if you frequently watch her stream, you will find that there is like 4-5 chatters that are always there and are recognizable, also there is a couple of chatters who clip moments and you can see who clipped what and I see those clips servicing on here, so its not just that I think some chatters post here, I think we reached that point where we can tell which anon is which, like I have a feeling the mango is the one who posts twitch clips and cute screenshots since he names the clips stuff like "cute bon" and "cute dance" and stuff like that, and I recognize the essay debate lord on here from the way he writes on chat, I feel like I recognize like 2 anons here who frequent twitch chat