04/15/2024 (Mon) 21:38
Steam summary
TLDR; its not going great
- Has decided to quit streaming [read until end]
- Feels like if she keeps going people will just tire of her
- Doesnt like that people say they preferred her streams before she was on meds
- Was in a relationship with someone who told her she was not as much fun as she used to be and doesnt have as many viewers as she used to have.
- Wanted to try something new - drawing stream - but one guy ruined it
- Is off her meds because she wants to be more entertaining but its not working
- Wants to quit Cosplay as well
- Feels insecure posting on IG because she does not have access to photographers so they are all the same, taken in her bedroom
- Wishes she could cosplay and post content when she wants to and not have people shit on her
- Cries after almost every time she makes content for OF
- Going to keep doing OF because she needs money
- Hates that people liked her most when she was at her lowest (streaming before she was on meds)
- Decided she should just be more lewd and 'suck it up'
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