HeilCCPfckChds 06/20/2024 (Thu) 20:05 No.47220 del
wow guys bonbobonker is falling and collapsing for real this time just like chyna 🤓🤓🤓 TOUCH GRASS 4CHUDS!! TOUCH GRASS!!! BONDI BONKER WINS, HASAN PIKER WINS, XI JINPING WINS

i used to think bombi was a bad faith bQnbiwaffen dogwhistlin reaKKKtionary early on but after very unfortunately learning of a certain vile creature colloquially known as KKKanthinky's existance and seeing sweet pro demxcracy bonobo TOTALLY reprimand and disavow the bucktoothed hogalina for pandering to 4chud pedophile nazis and for being a quite disgusting cave BecKKKy all around, i am phull sapport again even if not all perfect. SHE HAS ABSORBED NEW INFORMATION AND EVOLVED, THIS IS US WHAT DECENT HUMAN BEINGSâ„¢ DO

but at the same time we have alot to thank KKKay for cleaning up this community of much of the 4chuds and rando bumfuck nowhere slavX/LatinX pathological ytness incoporatin, international reThugliKKKans. A good bunch of those guys moved onto her and left this one THANK YOU KAY!! While u can still see them, you can now actually spot a DECENT HUMAN BEING PROG DEM in the wild!!! LOOK AT THIS GUY FOR EXAMPLE >>47214 >>47081 >>46896 XES BEAUTIFUL!!! 🥰🥰