Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 22:59 No.47378 del
>When she feels what she is doing is good she manages it.

Chill simp. First off, the vast majority of her TikToks were jumping on trends that other people did. One of the main reasons she had such a large following was because it was novel. Shit was bound to fall off because she doesn't make original or unique content. Look at her streams in the heyday of her Southpark obsession and how boring they were. She can't spend more than 10 minutes without self pitying herself and feeling entitled to other peoples' attention. THAT is why she started the OF shit, not the LA thots. Sure, they encouraged her, but she did it because she is (as anon said above) a narcissist. The feedback she gets on OF may or may not be nice. Idk. I'm not subscribed. Are you? Or are you just taking her word for it...because we know how trustworthy she is......