Bringing a revolutionary change to cryptocurrency payments. Tectum 09/19/2024 (Thu) 20:30 No.218 del
SoftNote is exclusively powered by the Tectum network, bringing a revolutionary change to cryptocurrency payments.

It offers zero-fee, instant transactions across major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT.

The key reason SoftNote can achieve this speed and cost-efficiency is that all transactions occur directly on the Tectum Layer 1 blockchain, a third-generation blockchain known for its lightning-fast processing.

Whether you’re a merchant or an individual, SoftNote allows you to send and receive crypto instantly, with no fees, providing a truly superior experience compared to traditional crypto transfers.

Key Benefits:

➡️ Zero Fees: Completely free transactions, ideal for frequent crypto transfers.
➡️ Instant Payments: Real-time transfers across supported cryptos like BTC, ETH, and USDT.
➡️ Exclusive to Tectum: Runs only on the Tectum blockchain, ensuring unmatched speed and security.

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