Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:57:49 No.10072 del

Israeli excavations threaten Al-Aqsa, undermine historic features

Relevant institutions and authorities have revealed that excavations made by "Israel" under Al-Aqsa Mosque are threatening its foundations, revealing that new cracks have appeared in the floor of the Holy Mosque.

The cracks appeared near the Islamic Museum and the Mughrabi Gate adjacent to Al-Buraq Wall all the way to the Umayyad palaces area.

On its part, the Council of Endowments, Islamic Affairs, and Holy Sanctuaries in the occupied city of Al-Quds said it is following the dangerous activities of "Israel" in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa.

The council stated that the "Israel" Antiquities Authority and the "Elad" settlement association have been conducting suspicious and mysterious excavations in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, especially from the southern and western sides adjacent to the mosque's external foundation, in the areas of Al-Buraq Wall and the Umayyad palaces.

The Council also indicated that it has been monitoring for a while a group of workers using bulldozers and heavy excavating machinery working at an extremely suspicious fast pace in the said areas.

According to the Council, the works included digging the sand out and making holes in the walls adjacent to the southern wall of the mosque.

Observers have also monitored continuous crushing for months of important huge archaeological stones, which are converted into smaller stones in order to hide their traces and are removed in the guise of mounds intended for rubbish.

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