Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:45 No.1361 del
Michael Avenatti Sentenced to Four Years for Ripping Off Stormy Daniels, Tells Judge He Took Stripper’s Case to “Take Down a Sitting American President”

Liberal media darling Michael Avenatti was sentenced to four years in prison Thursday by U.S. District Court Judge Jesse Furman for embezzling nearly $300,000 from his Anti-Trump former client Stephanie Clifford–better known by her stripper name Stormy Daniels. Avenatti told the judge in court in the Southern District of New York as he pleaded for a lenient sentence that he took Daniels’ case against Trump because, “I believed we could take down a sitting American president who was the biggest threat to our democracy in modern times.”

Avenatti was convicted in February of charges stemming from him forging Daniels’ signature on a letter to divert nearly $300,000 in her book royalties to himself.

In 2018 the Trump-hating media promoted Avenatti as a potential presidential candidate, file screen image.

Inner City Press reporter Matthew Russell Lee tweeted a play-by-play of the Avenatti sentencing which can be read at this link.

Excerpts from Avenatti’s plea for leniency:

“Avenatti: I deserve just punishment. I stand by the sincerity of my letter to Ms. Daniels. I will never practice law again. I will forever be branded a “disgraced lawyer” and worse. I may never recover any semblance of a normal life or peace. (Sniffles)…Avenatti: I received many awards. This does not excuse my conduct in this case. I represented Ms Daniels because she was an underdog. I believed we could take down a sitting American president who was the single biggest threat to American democracy in modern times.”

CNN’s report on his sentencing notes Avenatti is still in legal hot water (excerpt):

Avenatti was convicted in February of one count of wire fraud and one count of aggravated identity theft. He faced as much as 20 years on the wire fraud charge and a mandatory two-year sentence for aggravated identity theft.

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