Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:16 No.2554 del
6 Jun, 2022 17:36
Kiev being pressed into concessions to Moscow – Zelensky
People worldwide are growing “war-weary” and pressure on the country is mounting, Ukrainian president has claimed

(Zelensky has lost all support for his ridiculous war, he’s not a rock star anymore, Americans are tired if sending money to an inept country).

War-weariness over the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev is growing worldwide (well to fair Ukraine has lost on every front), Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted on Monday. Therefore, “people want some kind of result for themselves” and the pressure on the country to reach any kind of peaceful resolution to the hostilities is growing, he claimed.

“Of course, everyone wants to push us a little towards some kind of result, definitely unfavorable to us, because they don’t ask us yet, but it’s beneficial for certain parties that have their own interests, both financial, and political ones,” Zelensky told reporters.

He did not elaborate on exactly which parties have been putting pressure on Ukraine to reach a peace deal with Moscow. The president himself, as well as other top Ukrainian officials, have repeatedly ruled out any possibility of territorial concessions to Russia, vowing to reclaim all of the country’s territory.

Kiev’s territorial aspirations include not only the land that fell under Russian control amid the ongoing conflict, but the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and the Crimean peninsula, which split from Ukraine and unified with Russia in 2014.