Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:27 No.2968 del
Just say when?
Anyone had enough of researching the crap out of ever little thing the world does?
The work here, as has always been the case, is noble and needed, but when is enough, enough?
I'm not saying to stop what we do, but what else can we do?
The big questions have to be in your mind, it's in mine.
We've waited, and waited and waited…and waited.
We're still waiting and doing yeoman's work, valiant efforts for sure, anons.
When is enough, enough?
When do we take back our country?
When do we REALLY take back our country?
When does Trump come back?
When exactly do we set a date, and say, "Here the line we draw?"
When? Next week? Next month? Next year? 2024?
You know, I know, we all know, everything is bullshit, Durham, all of it.
Durham knew, and after four years goes to court for the first time, and still we all went on with his charade, and then, Durham lost.
That is ONE example.

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