Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:32 No.3187 del
You Must Know, Understand The Earth World You Are Living In
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In any society, there is always some kind of rules you must obey and follow.
In reality, the planet Earth also have untold unknown hidden rules but most people do not understand it.

If you want to know who truly control and in charged of life on Earth, then I suggest your should watch the movie “Journey To The West”.

Do you know why China/Vietnam broadcast that movie every single year to their citizens?
Because they are the truth, because they are “empower” their nation via indirectly way “reconnecting” the true boss with their citizens.
All the religion gods/deities are either in that movie or just the “servant” of some super beings in that movies.

Even though there is some super beings in charged of planet Earth, but they are still not the highest.
The Gautama Buddha story are the most well known example.
He was born as mortal human like all of you, but able to “evolve” to the point even above Jade Emporor.

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