Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:46:48 No.4009 del
How Jim Watkins, Babyfist, Doge/Austin Steinbart and Flint faked the Q posts

Laughing_MAN aka Babyfist was a Global Volunteer and BO of /ABCU/. He used his GV account to post on Qs bread after larping on Q research for a year straight. He was immediately caught because, just like last night, these people are fucking stupid, and he did it without even using a VPN. So, because we all have what are called IP hashes (scrambled version of your IP posted with every post you make) it was easy to prove Babyfist posted on Qs board and then tried to lie about it. He's so stupid though, 28 seconds after faking a post on Qs board, he came to this board and posted under the same IP address. Jim then went on a press tour and told everyone it came from Babyfists GV account, only to 6 months later have video came out of Jim hanging out in a hotel with Babyfist.

In the last week, it was exposed that not only is Jim connect to Babyfist, but also Austin Steinbart, aka Doge, and a bunch of other Cicada 3301 grifters. They all post on /deepdigs/ together, where Doge is the only baker and the board owner. Needing something to take the heat off of themselves, they hatched the plan to fake Q posts. Cracking the trip code would be difficult. So with Jim's assistance, they created a password and then rotated the SALT so that the created password would output a trip code identical to Qs last Trip code. This can be verified easily and already has been. Anyone that is a BO/BV that posts without a VPN can see that their IP hash has changed, any anon with a trip code that existed before the SALT rotation will see that even though their password has NOT changed, their tripcode has as is demonstrated in picrel. They planned it out so that the fake Q posts would happen while Jim was on stage so he could have plausible deniability, but because THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID, he didn't expect anons to notice the SALT rotation so quickly.

Anons knew last night that something was way off with these Q posts. 1. There was no content, just recycled phrases from old Q posts, as Babyfist and the fake Q were caught doing last year (picrel). 2. Q ALWAYS re-verified his trip code after long absences because SALT gets rotated, and trip codes can be brute forced. (picrel) 3. In the past, whenever Q would start posting, the board would experience MASSIVE lag when they connect and disconnect from the site. It was a noticeable enough lag to the point anons were able to start calling out when Q was about to post. This did not happen last night.

Being that Anons realized quickly something was wrong, some anons started calling into doubt that these were real Q posts. No verification, No delta with PDJT, no posts from Scavino, Nunes or anyone else to confirm. So anons started talking about it being fake. Immediately the well known shills on this board that Jim has aligned himself with started attacking anons. This should ALWAYS be a big RED FLAG. If shills are attacking someone, they are doing it for a reason. Everyone was waiting for a confirmation, but the shills were shoving the fake Q posts into the dough and telling everyone that disagreed to shut up. Until Dan scavino posted (picrel). A literal BABY FIST. In fact, if you go to GOOGLE, type in BABY FIST and search images, this will be one of the first pictures you will find. Dan Scavino was letting us know who was posting the fake Q posts, Babyfist, the same person that comp'd Qs board previously, lied about it and Jim Watkins assisted in doing it.

It was at this point anons started to notice that their own personal trip codes & IP hashes have changed. It was at this point also that BV Dart started to delete posts calling out that the SALT had been rotated. (picrel) in an attempt to cover up the fact that BO Flint was colluding with Jim Watkins, Babyfist & Austin Steinbart to dupe Qs trip code in an attempt to drive traffic back to this board. If there are no anons, Jim's grift is over, along with the money they make from aggregators. Whenever bullshit happens you have to ask Who Benefits? And the person that benefit