Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:47:30 No.4641 del
Listen VERY closely to Harari's LOGIC that is influencing what he thinks he is seeing outside himself, Anons.

Notice the extreme dialectic logic of 'two sided conflict' in how he describes what he thinks he is 'seeing'?

It's all negations of negations of negations, explaining why one negates the other, but then…it just stops and the last one is supposed to 'really REALLY' bring about the conditions to creating a totalitarian state.

Harari's chosen philosophy, as with all dialectic logicians claiming to have finally discovered and proved the rationality of totalitarian economies before him, is 'symbol manipulation', dividing itself from 'real world practical matters' such as producing goods from natural resources.
See how he introduces a dialectic of falsely viewing free enterprise in energy creation as allegedly a 'contradiction' (again he is seeing just his own dialectic philosophy) between two 'struggles': "Everyone dies of climate disaster or the poor dies from getting outpriced in rising 'bad' energy costs".

Dialectic inversion of his own psychology that fails to grasp economic science precisely because the logic of economic science is UNIFIED and applies equally to both thoughts AND actions.
Thoughts are finite uses of finite (scarce) resources to facilitate and achieve desired ideological information objects (e.g. the truth as it is), no less than physical actions are finite uses of scarce resources to facilitate and achieve desired physical information objects.

Economic science is the science of humans acting to achieve outcomes OVER TIME.

This is an unassailable truth. Any attempt to 'deboonk' it would itself be an attempt to…use finite resources (body, mouth, capital, etc) in a certain way to achieving a desired outcome (creating an information object that contains the claimed truth).

This is precisely why Karl Marx attacked economics. Economics is a unified branch of knowledge built on A ONE SOURCE UNDIVIDED LOGIC.

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