Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:44:49 No.475 del

Zakharova: Nato balancing on the brink of direct armed conflict

According to Russian foreign ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, the European Union's aggressive approach regarding their "unrestrained expansion", especially in their recent granting of Ukraine and Moldova EU candidacy, carries the potential for the emergence of new, deeper divides and crises in Europe.

"Such an aggressive approach by the European Union obviously carries the potential for the emergence of new, deeper lines of split and crises in Europe as a whole. Such a policy of Brussels has nothing to do with the real needs of the inhabitants of Ukraine and the EU countries," Zakharova said, pointing to the EU summit which came down to the recent decisions.

Yesterday, European Union leaders have agreed to grant both Ukraine and Moldova the EU candidacy status in a show of support from the EU as part of their positions in the proxy war taking place in Ukraine.

The decision to grant the two nations EU candidacy puts the two ex-Soviet nations on the long path toward joining the EU bloc. A series of steps have been laid out by the EU for Kiev to take, including the reinforcement of the rule of law and fighting corruption.

Ukraine applied for the EU membership on February 28, shortly after Russia launched its military operation. It was followed by Georgia and Moldova, which decided to fast-track submission of their applications and similarly received the EU questionnaire in mid-April.

"Russia never threatened anyone with nuclear weapons"

Zakharova went on to say that Moscow has never threatened anyone with nuclear weapons, and that Moscow's approach in using nuclear weapons hypothetically is based only on a deterrence logic.

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