Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:47:47 No.4937 del
In short, the occultists in power at the highest levels believe in a spiritual science called Hermetics. These teachings are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, a character born of the myths of the Greek god Hermes and Egyptian god Thoth. One of the fundamental concepts is Mental transmutation which is the art of transforming, or changing the condition, quality or nature, of the mind from one condition to another. There are two steps involved in mental transmutation:

1. Awareness

2. Inversion

In order to transmute negative mental states into positive states, one must first be aware that they are experiencing a negative state. The second step is to polarize that state to the opposite state. In other words, from dark to light.

Now that the world is more and more aware of the corruption of the dark, the inversion to the light has begun. It is a pole, which means it's on a spectrum from dark to light.

No group is more aware of the current state of darkness to my knowledge, than those who follow Q. They are eagerly awaiting freedom from the darkness in the form of the ‘light’, the opposition to the darkness. Well hang on, all opposition is controlled opposition. Do you really think the most powerful systems in our world just implode? The implosion is the planned mechanism used to move to the next phase - the light world order, or the so called Golden Age. At the end of the day, the highest level occultists work toward a singular goal, they just use both sides to accomplish it.

To understand the dark-side’s narrative watch the mainstream media sources and listen to the narratives they craft (ABC, CNN, Washington post, etc)

To understand some of the light-side’s narrative, here is a Telegram account that is an aggregate of anons and their thoughts on current events (WeTheMedia)

Many want to believe in the ‘light’-side’s promises and retribution, but the game has been set up that way, to make you beg for relief. Who would not want an end to the chaos we are living through? Our empathy is a tool the powers-that-be weaponize against us to push us along any current they wish for the masses to go. Remain critical in your thoughts so you won't be swayed by emotions and can think clearly.

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